岡部 倫太郎
岡部 倫太郎

岡部 倫太郎

Okabe RintaroHououin Kyouma鳳凰院凶真Okarinオカリン


Rintarou is an eccentric individual, a self-proclaimed mad scientist and often refers to himself under the alias of Hououin Kyouma, which is also the name he uses to introduce himself to other people. Mayuri and Daru refer to him by the nickname Okarin, a portmanteau of his surname and given name. He is the founder of what he calls the "Future Gadget Laboratory" in Akihabara where he spends most of his time. Rintarou gives off the appearance of being delusional and paranoid, frequently referring to the "organization" that is after him, talking to himself on his phone, and engaging in fits of maniacal laughter. Most of the time he takes on a fairly arrogant personality. He is usually seen wearing a lab coat. As he experiments with time travel, he learns that he is the only one who possesses the ability to determine changes between different timelines, which he dubs "Reading Steiner"./ The character is 18 years old and a first year student at Tokyo Denki University.

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