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Touma Aoi is a student of class 2-S in Kawakami Academy. He is known for being the smartest amongst all the students in the second year. His father is the head of Aoi Hospital, he also wants to become a doctor in the future and work with his childhood friends Jun Inoue and Koyuki Sakakibara in his father's hospital. He is bisexual, meaning if he sees someone he likes, it doesn't matter if it's a man or a woman.

Touma finds Yamato a worthy opponent who can rival his intellect, and both of them face each other in different competitions. It's also hinted that Touma feels a little attraction for Yamato, giving him chills by that.

Touma is also the brain of class 2-S and Hideo Kuki considers him as his friend since he is the only one who has beaten him on the academy test result. Because of this, everyone in Class 2-S always does what Touma tells them to do. 

Edited from url=http://majikoi.wikia.com/wiki/Touma_AoiMajikoi Wiki


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