彩咲 すみれ
彩咲 すみれ

彩咲 すみれ



"B-Buzz off. Sometimes I just... have moments when I wanna be left alone, okay?"

Sumire is a classmate of Takeru, who is always acting cool and aloof (merely pretending, of course). She's part of Takeru's circle of friends, but feels a little more distant than the others.

She thinks what Takeru's doing is praise-worthy, but can't be honest about it. In fact, she'll act the exact opposite, insulting him and berating him for acting like "Mister Nice Guy". She can't ultimately suppress her desire to compliment him, though, and always tacks on a "That was nice of you" at the end.

You'll usually never see her acting feminine in any way, though that's more the result of her doing everything in her power to hide her feminine traits. Truthfully, she's a normal girl too, and she works hard day in and day out to make her crush, Takeru, happy.

From url=http://meltymoment.nekonyansoft.com/English official site


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