

Mask PersonCocky Person


Hobbies: Unknown
Values: Order
Likes: None
Dislikes: The Black Beast

Hakumen is one of the Six Heroes, and a playable character in the BlazBlue series. Hakumen is a samurai-esque warrior wielding a sword around as tall as he is and wearing a mask that completely hides his face. He is an incredibly powerful individual in the BlazBlue universe, so much so that the player is often told to proceed with caution when confronting him, and at times even advised not to do so entirely. His armor (which is the Susano'o Unit) seems to grant him limitless energy and incredible power, and his sword (a Nox Nyctores named "Ookami") appears to bear the capability to kill characters that otherwise would be immortal, or have rapid healing properties that would make them difficult or impossible to kill. This makes him an equally dangerous foe to both mortal men as well as more powerful beings. Due to the fact that Hakumen is only at 20% of his original power and yet is still considered an extremely dangerous adversary, it is possible that, should his full power be completely restored, he could very well be one of the most powerful individuals in the BlazBlue universe.

Hakumen is a very serious individual who is usually extremely focused on the task at hand and rarely shows any emotion beyond stoicism. His attitude can come off to others as prideful, stubborn, and even arrogant, occasionally getting him into issues with his comrades when he refuses to cooperate with them and tries to handle things on his own. His solitary goal is to eradicate evil wherever it hides and rarely compromises, warning his target to not take his mercy lightly when he spares them. While Hakumen is generally cold toward others, he does have respect for Jubei, Valkenhayn, and Trinity, occasionally indulging them in conversation. Although Rachel frustrates him with her commandeering attitude, he is willing to tolerate her to some extent not unlike that of Ragna. He also shows respect towards Bang as a fellow man of justice. Due to his ego, Hakumen often clashes with other members of the cast. Over time, however, he has become much more focused on the more important matters, letting fate run its course with the rest of the cast and not interfering with their affairs.


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