篠ノ之 箒
篠ノ之 箒

篠ノ之 箒



Houki is the 1st childhood friend of Ichika and a 1st year student at the IS Academy in Class One. Having been raised in a shrine, her personality is of discipline and temperateness. As such, she had a hard time socializing with other kids (other boys made fun of her for being boyish) so she had virtually no friends (until she went to the IS Academy), except for Ichika who thought of her as a cute girl and helped her out by chasing those boys away whenever she was being mocked. She also has a serious emotional problem, not being able to suppress her temper and often resorting to violence. Although she has been training kendo (which emphasizes obtaining self-control as with most other forms of martial arts) she is somewhat emotionally unstable, often resorting to be controlled by her own strength rather than controlling it herself, especially when she gains a new power.

IS Wiki


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