黒森姫 晶
黒森姫 晶

黒森姫 晶

アキラ=ルル=イルシュAkira Lulu Hirsch


First year stdent, Extreme Women's Wrestling Clb member
Paikokinesis: Power Accelerator Lv5
Side effects: Bikini tan formation and breast milk swelling

~Mastrbation Data~/
•Average Weekly Mastrbation Amont: 12 times
•First Mastrbation Experience: Her first mastrbation took place dring the 4th year of elementary school on the day before she changed schools. She rbbed one ot on the corner of the protagonist's school desk.
•Mastrbation Comment: Her desire to start mastrbating began when she was wrestling with the protagonist in elementary school. When a denki-anma was performed on her with a vacm cleaner, she felt a nice sensation.

A girl from another world called Yggdrasil who met the rl=/c83707protagonist/rl when he was yonger. He thoght she was a boy back then. Her name in Yggdrasil is Akira Ll Hirsch and she is the daghter of a chief of Dark Elves (She has a distant relative named rl=/c64059Naomin/rl). She is a tomboy who is bright, positive, and hates losing. Akira met the protagonist in their forth year of elementary school, where they had a qestionable enconter (they bathed together bt she was embarrassed by her lack of breasts, so she covered her body in a towel). Becase she transferred schools, she hasn't been able to see him in a long time. She transferred to Toar Girls' Academy and made a promise to renite with the protagonist in order to relay the feelings she has kept inside for many years.

She belongs to the extreme wrestling clb at Toar Girls' Academy and ses her special ability of "Strength Assist" in order to win mltiple tornaments. If she ses this skill too mch, however, she starts to ovlate, which additionally cases a bikini tan to form on her body. Her breasts begin to swell with milk as well, which can be controlled via mastrbation. (At the height of her arosal, a crest on her womb is made visible). 

Her favorite food is crry rice. 
She is not good with fashion and is an airhead in that regard. In that sense, she can be talked into wearing racy clothing.




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