服部 霧
服部 霧

服部 霧



Kiri is a member of the Hattori, a clan of ninjas that traces back to ancient times. She has been receiving ninja training ever since she was a child, having their techniques drilled into her as part of her upbringing. Both her skills and her mental constitutional are exceptional. She is a peerless hunter of Dark Beings.

Though she had been living in Japan, she has come to America with a certain goal in mind. She spends her days running a Japanese cafe in the suburbs while fighting to protect the town's peace from monsters.

She enjoys a good binding—that is, with rope, and doing it to someone else—from time to time, which seems to suggest she has a slightly sadistic side. She also finds pleasure in teasing her partner, Mary. Whenever Mary makes a mistake, the whip-like crack of Kiri's rope sends a shiver down her spine.


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