日ノ宮 舞果
日ノ宮 舞果

日ノ宮 舞果



A second-year student at St. Ruri Girls Academy, she is the student council president as well as a member of the swimming club
Although she is the granddaughter of the principal she goes by her maternal surname
As a kid she had poor health and couldn't go outside her house very often so she spent most of the time reading books, maybe that's why she gained a lot of knowledge. That is shown on her grades which are excelent and so she is always on the top.
She is currently taking aikido lessons for self-defense and to build physical and spiritual strength. In addition she is also a member of the swimming club due to Youko influence. Recently she finally has been able to participate in PE classes normally.
She has a calm personality and is often mistaken as a senior student. In the conversations with her firiends she often take the listener role.
She doesn't understand anything about love even when she hears other people talking about their love affairs.


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