朱鷺 誠治郎
朱鷺 誠治郎

朱鷺 誠治郎

神父様 (Students)


The in-house priest of St. Estella Academy who conducts religious services for the students on a weekly basis. In addition his approachable manner invites students to turn to him for guidance and counselling.

He admits the school's policy in educating orphans for the purpose of adoption is tantamount to human trafficking, but accepts the school cannot run on ideals alone and that the principles underpinning the school's administration are for the good of the students at heart.

 Toki's public facade is merely a front from his true nature as a deviant sex addict who twists orthodox religious belief as justification for private orgies with the students. Like Yanagi he has investigated the academy's witch phenomenon independently but believes their powers to be a gift which must be shared by him and his brainwashed student followers. Candidates who fail to be the Messiah he is searching for are disposed of through cannibalism. 

On a certain route, it is revealed that Yanagi is aware of Toki's orgies held frequently in an abandoned air-raid shelter on the school grounds but is forced to yield a student to Toki's guardianship instead of subjecting the target to the usual experimentation. /



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