

シーアノスタルレンナグレグユグ・タナスト・ァウセーム・ルキ・ミゥShia Nostal Ren Naguregyug Thanast Useim Ruki Miu,


Shia Nostal Ren Naguregyug Thanast Useim Ruki Miu, better known by her short name Miu, is a young female DearS.
Intelligent yet sometimes conceited, Miu is a student who is assigned to study abroad at Koharu High and resides locally as a homestay. She is introduced to the group through a misunderstanding during her inauguration at school and, following a sour, rather pitiable acquaintance with Ren, invites herself to look after the oblivious girl, befriending her peers as well. Despite her proud genteel and brash disposition, Miu is in fact quite benign and empathetic, particularly when she can personally relate. Like her airheaded counterpart, Miu is capable of superhuman abilities and is respected by everyone. 
It is later revealed that Miu had a master before arriving on Earth, who was shot and killed much to Miu's shock. After an incident in which she and Takeya were stuck in a well, she is shown to have developed feelings for Takeya due to his virtuous nature and eventually confuses the concept of love as "gift" and makes Takeya her master. Also akin to Ren, Miu has trouble understanding her feelings for Takeya due to the belief that DearS can't love until the advice of several other characters, including Takeya himself, help her come to the realization that she does indeed love Takeya. She decided to go back into space with Io and the other DearS that chose to follow her in order to give up on her love for Takeya, but is shocked when both Takeya and Ren decide to accompany them./




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