久里 詠斗
久里 詠斗

久里 詠斗

王子様 (Tale)エイエイ (Kagura)詠斗P (Kagura)


A high school student who loves stories of all kinds. He even daydreams about old tales and puts his emotions into roleplaying as the characters in a story. 

One afternoon, he is told to think about his career path after graduating from high school. As he is not talented and doesn't have any distinguishing traits besides a love of stories, he goes to the school library, his favourite haunt, to think things over. The teaching assistant Hanami recounts her own experiences about dreams and a career path, and shortly after they part ways Eito is summoned to the Great Library to be the latest Librarian.

 Through his experiences as a Librarian, Eito eventually charts his future career path as an editor. He is allowed to keep his Colette, which allows him to retain the connections he made during his stay at the Great Library. /


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